3. International Balkan Congress on Neurology and Neuroscience
KONGRE TARİHİ05 Ekim - 08 Ekim 2023
Tekirdağ, Türkiye
Ramada By Wyndham
Dear Colleagues,
I am honoured to invite you to the 3rd International Balkan Congress on Neurology and Neuroscience. The event will take place in Tekirdağ between 5-8 October 2023. Our congress is international in nature and international speakers predominantly from Balkan countries will also make scientific contributions to our Congress.
This year’s themes in the scientific programme we prepared for our Congress are “Neuroimmunology”, Cerebrovascular Diseases and “Dementia”. Our Congress has been designed to include a Keynote Lecture, Satellite Symposiums, Consult the Expert and numerous panels. Additionally, panel discussions and oral presentations will be organised. The Congress will be in English.
We are using our best efforts to present to you a top-level congress with comprehensive scientific content including other aspects which should meet your requirements and expectations...
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Kategori İçerisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
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