29. Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society Annual Scientific Meeting

27 October - 30 October 2019

Dear Colleagues,

It is my pleasure to invite you to the 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ANZBMS will be held in Darwin from the 27th to the 30th of October 2019.

Chaired by Rachel Davey and Rory Clifton Bligh, together with members David Findlay, Brya Matthews, Christian Girgis and Joshua Lewis, the POC have put together a varied program of cutting-edge science that will appeal to both clinician and basic scientists in the musculoskeletal field.

Our scientific program includes invited international and national speakers, basic and clinical abstract presentations and young investigator awards including a mini-oral session. We are pleased to announce that our plenary speakers include Professor Yuuki Imai (Japan), Professor Melissa Kacena (USA), Professor Bente Langdahl (Denmark) and Professor Martina Rauner (Germany).

This year's themes include:

Bone and Energy Metabolism
Molecular and cellular mechanisms in bone
Population Bone Health
Bone repair
Muscle and Bone Interactions
Bone Health in the Disadvantaged

The Early Career Investigator Committee will be hosting a Clinical Case Study dinner and an evening Bones and Brews networking event. There will be ample time in the scientific program for networking and discussion. The Darwin sunset experience prior to the conference dinner is not to be missed!

Myself, in conjunction with the local organising committee looks forward to seeing you in the tropical city of Darwin, Northern Territory, for a vibrant and informative meeting set in a stunning harbour location with warm weather all year round.

Julia Kuliwaba
ANZBMS 2019 LOC Chair

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