29. Annual Scientific Meeting of The Australian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Association-ACRA 2019

05 August - 07 August 2019

Sydney, Australia
On behalf of the Organising Committee for the 29th Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) of the Australian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Association (ACRA), it gives us great pleasure to invite you to join us in Sydney for an exciting educational conference.

ACRA ASM 2019 is the major scientific conference aimed at clinicians working in cardiovascular health and cardiac rehabilitation. Our theme “Cardiac Rehabilitation: Building Bridges” is relevant to the changing landscape of health care delivery around the country and opportunities for innovative clinical practice into the future. The 2019 ASM will host several internationally and nationally renowned guest speakers including: Professor Philip Moons of University of Leuven, Belgium and Professor Sherry Grace of York University, Toronto.

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