
28. Annual Meeting European Orthopaedic Research Society-EORS 2020


17 Eylül - 18 Eylül 2020





Dear EORS2020 Participants,

We kindly request your support for the EORS2020 Remote Attendance Virtual Congress.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemics most musculoskeletal science congresses have been cancelled or postponed. We believe orthopedic research needs continuity. Converting the EORS2020 into a Remote Attendance Virtual Congress provides an opportunity to present new data and receive feed-back on your studies.

Science has no borders. Current travel and accommodation restrictions motivated the suggestion of a virtual congress. In lieu of a face-to-face congress, this will provide a forum to present your studies and publish your abstracts in the BJR. You will further be able to watch and listen to pre-recorded or live online keynote presentations, and invited symposia lectures. Posters will also be displayed and discussed via virtual sessions.

Technical exhibitors can be visited in their virtual room. They will display their products and you will be able to interact with them.

The social part will be experimental. We are preparing all social events in a virtual environment. You can experience arriving in and touring Izmir. You will have the opportunity to participate in the Ephesus, Pergamon and Pamukkale tours. The “Overcoming Disabilities with Orthopaedic Research” competition and exhibition is still receiving photographs. You will be able to tour the art collection of the Swissotel Grand Efes throughout the event. The virtual Young Investigators Event will take place on September 17, 2020 Wednesday at 17:00 Local Time (UTC/GMT +3). Our technical team will do their best to enable you to experience the actual Izmir waterfront during this event. The next day, September 17, 2020 Thursday at 17:00 Local Time (UTC/GMT +3), we will celebrate the virtual General Assembly and Award Ceremony. You will be able to hear the remarks of the presidents of the EORS and ICORS. Young Investigator Meet the Mentor Meetings will be scheduled.

To participate, please send your study abstract and registration (

Sincere regards,

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee

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