
24. World Congress of Aesthetic Medicine and 40. Congress of The Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine


13 February - 15 February 2025


Malaga, Spain



Once more we are together after a summer break, and as we can see, the session structures for 40th SEME Congress are already in place, we modified them to be more dynamic and align with new applicable formats that serve as education goals.

Official languages in both auditoriums will be Spanish and English, proposals for participation have already been received from various colleagues across UIME member countries.

Year after year, it is pleasing that the requests for collaborations and presentations maintain an upwards trajectory; this time is no different, hence at times the organization itself occupies two auditoriums simultaneously which shows the interest as well as increased research work on Aesthetic Medicine, one of its basic cornerstones if we want to give it a distinctive identity. Towards this end also, there was an overwhelming presence in last year's plenary hall whose seating capacity was 980 persons necessitating an extra room that could accommodate another 250 individuals. Therefore, increasing its attendance is the challenge; this cannot be accomplished solely by nine board members with their indispensable technical support staff but rather by professionals devoted to training themselves plus an ever-expanding industry duly appreciated for contributing towards this growth which needs to be.

It is an event accredited in continuous training, so these credits are valid in the Spanish National Health System.

We are eager to meet again because it is in the face-to-face meetings with colleagues we trust where we get the most benefit, and it is when we decide to change or incorporate therapeutic options that make us evolve.

We have turned this congress into the most important scientific forum for Aesthetic Medicine in our environment (let's not confuse it with a fair) and with your participation, we want to maintain and elevate those standards of seriousness and science. See you soon.

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