2023 East Asia Hemophilia Forum

06 April - 07 April 2023

Seoul, Korea
Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would like to welcome all of you to the 2023 East Asia Hemophilia Forum. EAHF 2023 is hosted by the Hemophilia Working Party of the Korean Society of Hematology in Seoul, Korea on April 6-7, 2023.

As the Pandemic prevented us from meeting face-to-face for two years, I look forward to EAHF 2023. We will be able to finally meet everyone and share our latest advancement.

EAHF is a forum where East Asian hemophilia experts as well as world renowned scholars get together to share their knowledge on the treatment of hemophilia. EAHF 2023 will feature the inauqural members’ presentations on latest updates on hemophilia treatment and various other sessions and topics. You will be able to listen to presentations on the progress on interesting research topics.

I hope that all of us will come out of the pandemic better and stronger and that we meet each other in Seoul next April.

Thank you.

Eun Jin Choi, M.D., Ph.D.

Chairperson of the Organizing Committee
EAHF 2023

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