20. General Meeting of The International Society of Limb Salvage-ISOLS 2019

11 September - 14 September 2019

Athens, Greece
Dear Colleagues,

I am very pleased to announce that the 20th General Meeting of the International Society of Limb Salvage will be hosted in Athens, Greece on September 11th - 14th, 2019.

In line with the Society’s purpose to promote research, education and clinical practice related to musculoskeletal tumors and improve patient care related to limb salvage interventions, the Local Organizing Committee is planning to develop a scientifically prolific program, expected to cover all aspects of musculoskeletal tumors and limb salvage bringing together experts from all disciplines related to the field. The Meeting will provide the ideal ground for intellectual exchange among physicians, engineers, scientists and other persons interested in limb salvage.

Greece is a diverse and beautiful country, with a unique history, great architecture, delicious food, warm-hearted people and a very safe country to travel in Europe. The capital of Greece, Athens, is a travel-friendly destination, easily accessible from the majority of European, American, Middle East and Asian countries. The city is filled with renowned archaeological sites – Parthenon being the most famous among them - modern and classical art museums and galleries, restaurants and bars, street markets and bazaars, open-air cinemas, sandy beaches, picturesque islands in close proximity and 300 sun-drenched days per year. Greece has historically held a leading role in medicine dating back to the time of Hippocrates (5th Century B.C.), the Father of Western Medicine.

We anticipate active participation of all the members of the global Musculoskeletal and Limb Salvage community, for the success of the 20th General Meeting of ISOLS.

Looking forward to welcoming you in Athens in 2019,

With warm regards,

Panayiotis J. Papagelopoulos, MD, DSc, FACS
Local Host, ISOLS 2019
Professor & Chairman, Department of Orthopaedics,
Athens University Medical School & ATTIKON University General Hospital
Athens, Greece

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