18. World Conference on Seismic Isolation Energy Dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures-18WCSI
06 Kasım - 10 Kasım 2023
Antalya, Türkiye
Dear Colleagues,
The 18th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation, and Active Vibration Control of Structures (18WCSI) is organized by Turkish Association for Seismic Isolation (TASI) and patronaged by Anti Seismic Systems International Society (ASSISi). The conference will be a joint conference with the 7th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (7ICEES). The conference will be held on 6-10 November 2023 in Antalya, Turkey with the participation of international and national academicians, experts, practicing engineers, manufacturers, and people from other related fields of seismic isolation. The conference will include keynote lectures from the world's renowned experts and sessions with presentations on the most recent studies related to seismic isolation and energy dissipation devices. On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee of 18WCSI, we invite you to participate and submit related papers in this four-day international conference to discuss and evaluate the state-of-the-art advances and future perspectives in seismic isolation and energy dissipation applications worldwide. We kindly ask you to visit the official conference website (www.18WCSI.org) for detailed information on important deadlines, venue, and registration process. We are looking forward to hosting you in Antalya..
On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee,
Mustafa ERDİK
Chair (18WCSI)
Founding Honorary Member (TASI)Bahadır ŞADAN
Organizing Secretary (18WCSI)
President (TASI)
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