17. European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Conference-ESTSS 2023

14 June - 17 June 2023

Belfast, Ireland
It our great pleasure to invite you to join us for the 17th biennial conference of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, which will be held in Belfast, Northern Ireland, between 14th-17th June 2023.

Northern Ireland, and Belfast in particular, are no strangers to trauma. The long period of civil unrest, known as the Troubles, has had an enormous impact on the lives of people in the country. However, despite the legacy of the Troubles, people in Northern Ireland remained strong and the nation is committed to building resilience through community-based initiatives.

Now brimming with hospitality, Belfast is an exciting place to be, with so much to offer and we invite you to explore its food, traditions, cultural heritage and the surrounding nature.

The theme for the conference is Trauma and resilience through the ages: A life course perspective. Over the course of the four days, we will explore this theme as it relates to both research and clinical practice through talks, workshops and networking events. We hope that you will bring your skills, knowledge and experience and share it with like-minded individuals, as we all aim to improve the lives of those impacted by trauma and traumatic stress.

We are looking forward to meeting you all in Belfast!

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