
17. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes-FEMS EUROMAT 2023


03 September - 07 September 2023


Frankfurt, Germany



Dear Materials Science and Engineering Community, dear colleagues,

We cordially invite you to join the 17th European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes - FEMS EUROMAT 2023, which will be held in Frankfurt am Main (Germany), 03 - 07 September 2023.

The conference venue will be the Frankfurt Goethe-University’s new Westend Campus with its park-like ambiance and beautiful travertine-faced buildings, one of Germany's most attractive one.

Our ambition is to organize a memorable and successful Conference in the tradition of previous FEMS EUROMAT congresses to offer delegates many opportunities to engage in discussions, build new and strengthen existing partnerships and collaborations within and outside Europe.

Germany has a long tradition in Material Science and Engineering. The German Materials Society - DGM - was founded in 1919 and is one of the three founding members of FEMS.

DGM’s proprietary conference platform will serve as a proven interface allowing delegates to participate on-site or connect from another location via internet. As the first hybrid FEMS EUROMAT, we will offer the best of both worlds – physical and virtual.

We hope that you’ll participate in the conference to share with us your experience and views in the field of Materials Science and Engineering.

On behalf of the Scientific Committee

Prof. Dr. Ehrenfried Zschech
deepXscan GmbH, Dresden, Germany
Chair of FEMS EUROMAT 2023

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