16. CardioVascular Clinical Trialists Forum-CVCT 2019

05 December - 07 December 2019

Washington, USA
Welcome to the Global CardioVascular Clinical Trialists (CVCT) Forum. A meeting where our faculty members are selected from a list of world renowned global EXPERTS of the highest calibre. They are investigators and trial experts, industry R&D experts, regulatory and health technology experts, health care professional and health insurance experts, major media and medical journal experts and patient advocacy group experts to identify a few. It is this mix of expertise from various backgrounds which makes CVCT meetings unique, a sort of think tank, where faculty and participants alike are more willing to brainstorm and shift the lines than simply lecturing. CVCT meetings open up a number of engaging and interactive options, taking our participants on an expedition, making each session more productive and more effective. There is ample time in each session allowing for inspiring and energizing moderated multi-stakeholder expert panel debates (“The Forum”). Moderators interview the experts and engage participants to directly interview and challenge the experts, with the moderator streamlining this process. The moderators are encouraged to structure the discussion and split the timeslot into a few clear chapters. In addition to its classical features, CVCT Forum 2018 will be experimenting with another new variation to this theme are our Focused CVCT Workshops. Organized as campfi re-sessions, fi t for smaller groups the expert and the participants sit in a small U shape-table, as equals. The experts are allowed very brief openings, but then it is over to the participants, with the hope that intimacy allows participants to feel freer to talk to the expert and to each other. Experts are encouraged to share their stories and case studies from real clinical trials, leaving it up to the audience to translate their learnings to their own daily reality, and to bring in more of their own cases. The real expertise is in the room and during breakouts, mingling and networking among the participants, which is why our CVCT Team encourages all experts to stay for the full forum. Don’t hold back in the discussions, it is through these discussions where the CVCT community learns from each other

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