12. International Conference on Nuclear Structure Properties-NSP 2019
11 Eylül - 13 Eylül 2019
Bitlis, Türkiye
Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi
XII. International Conference on Nuclear Structure Properties (NSP2019) will be held in Bitlis, TURKEY. The aim of this conference is to provide an opportunity for researchers from all over the world to present their research results and activities in Nuclear Physics and related subjects. The conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish research relations and to find academic partners for future collaborations. The last 4 previous conferences were held in Sakarya in 2015 (NSP2015), Sivas in 2016 (NSP2016), Karabük in 2017 (NSP2017) and Trabzon in 2018 (NSP2018). All accepted papers of the conference will be published in the conference proceedings book and journals of Bitlis Eren University after peer-review process. Papers may be in the form of abstract papers or full-text papers. Full-text papers will be published in the conference proceeding book. Abstract papers will be published in the conference proceeding book as abstract and journals of Bitlis Eren University as full-text. The journal to be published will be decided by considering the author's preference, acceptance of the article in the journal. Full-texts of papers should be submitted to the journal web page between the dates 13 September 2019 - 13 October 2019.
2019 Fen Bilimleri Kongreleri Kategorisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
- 9. International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress and Exhibition-APMAS 2019
22 Ekim - 28 Ekim 2019, Muğla - 5. International Turkic World Conference on Chemical Sciences and Technologies-ITWCCST 2019
25 Ekim - 29 Ekim 2019, Sakarya - 17. Ulusal Medikal Fizik Kongresi
18 Ekim - 19 Ekim 2019, İstanbul - 7. International Congress of The Molecular Biology Association of Turkey-MolBiyoKon19
27 Eylül - 29 Eylül 2019, İstanbul - The International Conference on Chemical Physics and Material Science-ICCPMS 2019
08 Temmuz - 10 Temmuz 2019, İstanbul
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