11. European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry
24 October - 26 October 2019
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the scientific committee we invite psychiatrists, practitioners, (psychiatric mental health) nurses, psychologists, health scientists, educators, trainers, researchers, managers, and policymakers engaged in the prevention, management, research into violence and aggression in mental health and intellectual disability settings to attend the 11th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry to be held in Oslo / Lillestrøm, Norway, 24 - 26 October 2019.
Note: Due to high interest and popular demand we are happy to announce that poster abstracts can still be submitted till the 1st of August 2019.
The first congress, held in 1992 in Stockholm – Sweden, was an initiative by Prof. Börje Wistedt, the head of one of the larger psychiatric clinics in Stockholm at Danderyd Hospital / Karolinska Institute. He and his staff organized the congress with him as chairman and Tom Palmstierna as his scientific secretary. The Congress was held at the Swedish Medical Association, attracted 120 delegates who attended a series of lectures and seminars.
The second congress in 2001 was organized by the Addiction Center in Stockholm and its head Prof. Stefan Borg and attracted 200 delegates. For the first time the Congress was a joint initiative with the European Violence in Psychiatry Research Group (EVIPRG) founded in 1997. Following the success of this partnership all subsequent Congresses were co-organised with EVIPRG with the aim of bringing the latest science of violence and aggression to clinicians, researchers and managers.
London in the Summer of 2003 was the venue for the third Congress organized by Tom Palmstierna and Gerd Nyman, supported by the Addiction Center and Prof. Stefan Borg and involved 185 delegates.
From 2005 the Congresses have been organized by Oud Consultancy & Conference Management, chaired by Professors Henk Nijman & Tom Palmstierna in close collaboration with EVIPRG. Since 2011 the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) co-sponsored the meeting. Since 2015 the European Network for Training in the Management of Aggression (ENTMA08) has been a collaborator in the organisation and delivery of the Congress.
In 2019 the congress will be held in Oslo / Lillestrøm - Norway. Since the first European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry the meeting has expanded rapidly in terms of the number of scientific contributions and participants. Some congresses were attended by about 600 participants from 36 countries worldwide.
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