106. National Congress of the Italian Society of Otorhinolaryngology-SIO 2019

29 May - 01 June 2019

Rimini, Italy
Dear Friends,

I am proud to announce that the 106th National Congress of the Italian Society of Otorhinolaryngology will be held at the Rimini Congress Centre from 29 May to 1 June 2019. The SIO Board of Directors, the Organizing Committee and I warmly invite you all to take an active part in it.

The National Congress is the top event for all SIO members and for all those who wish to contribute in any way to the growth of medical and scientific knowledge concerning head and neck surgery. Developing, promoting and sharing such knowledge are the true objectives of this event.

I hope you like the image I have chosen to represent the spirit of our congress. Feel free to save it since it will help you recognize at a glance our next announcements amidst the increasingly numerous online conferences scheduled for next year.

If I can take some of your time I will be happy to illustrate to you the numerous symbolic contents that are hidden in the composition.

First of all the angel in the foreground, that I liked for its colours and the astonishing three-dimensional effect. The first reference of this image relates to the Congress venue: the detail is in fact taken from the Pieta by Giovanni Bellini, a tempera on wood datable around 1470, that can be admired in the Museum of the city of Rimini. Again, in ancient Roman times the pietas essentially expressed all the duties of men towards their counterparts: nothing could be more powerfully alluding to the medical act.

The filigree image in the background portrays the frontispiece of the main work of the “King of Anatomy”, Giovan Battista Morgagni, born in Forlì, which symbolizes the deep and ancient cultural traditions of our society.
The image of the globe, with the countries connected by a modern electronic network representing the web. is not in opposition to the past but represents its natural evolution.

Finally, in the lower part of the image, you see the unmistakable flying disc profile of the Congress Centre, which I am sure will surprise you with its modernity, beauty and efficiency.

I look forward to an active collaboration by all of you with numerous proposals for the scientific programme that the Scientific Committee and I will to analyze and schedule appropriately. For those who will prefer not to attend as speakers, I will work to cover all the classic areas of our discipline (AUDIOLOGY; OTOLOGY AND NEURO-OTOLOGY; ONCOLOGY AND RECONSTRUCTION SURGERY; LARYNGOLOGY; RHINOLOGY; SLEEP MEDICINE; DAY SURGERY; NEW TECHNOLOGIES) and to illustrate the different views of all the professionals of SIO, with the hope of covering all your areas of interest while leaving large room for discussion with our international experts.

I invite you to keep an eye on the excellent work of our young members and the rich accompanying programme. Finally, I would like to remind you that Rimini has a well-known vocation for warm and well-organised hospitality that you and your accompanying persons will surely enjoy in your spare time.

Note down and spread among your colleagues the dates of the 106th SIO National Congress, 29 May - 1 June 2019, and don’t forget its watchwords: traditional, innovative and international!

I’m looking forward to meeting you there.

Claudio Vicini

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