
10. Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power-AJCPP 2021


03 March - 05 March 2021





On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee of the 10th Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power (AJCPP2021), it is my great pleasure to welcome you to the conference, which will be held from March 3-5, 2021 at ICC Jeju, Jeju Island. AJCPP2021 is to be held in a hybrid format, allowing for in person or virtual attendance.

Since the 1st AJCPP conference in 2004, the AJCPP has played a great role in the exchange of knowledge and research results among the delegates from Asia-Pacific nations. We hope that the upcoming AJCPP2021 will be another joyful hybrid event that provides a high-standard international forum to present, exchange, and discuss recent advances, new techniques, and applications in the field of propulsion and power.

Jeju is an island located in south-west of the Korean Peninsula. It is the biggest island of Republic of Korea. It is a perfect for summit meetings and international meetings, offering accommodations, convenient traffic conditions, telecommunications, and security. Leaders of many countries have attended summit meetings at ICC Jeju and regard it as an optimum place for such meetings.

We look forward to seeing you in the beautiful island of Jeju, to develop friendships, and to share the joy of a successful AJCPP2021 conference.

Youngbin Yoon, Professor
Chair, AJCPP2021

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