
1. International Conference on Nano-bio and Advanced Materials Engineering-NAME 2023


07 January - 08 January 2023





1st International Conference on Nano-bio and Advanced Materials Engineering (NAME-2023) organize by department of Chemical Engineering, Jashore University of Science and Technology (JUST), Jashore- 7408, Bangladesh will be held at Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh on 7 – 8th January, 2023. On behalf of the Organizing Committee of NAME-2023, we cordially invite you to participate in this initiative congress. The conference will be offline.

This NAME-2023 is designated to promote research interests, knowledge sharing, and transfer, as well as to improve our common ground of Nano-bioscience, Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology. On this great gathering, Organizing Committee invites participants from all over the globe to take part in this conference with the theme “Nano-bio and Advanced Materials Engineering”. NAME-2023 aims at sharing new ideas and new technologies amongst the professionals, industrialists and students from research areas of Nano-bioscience, Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology to share their recent innovations and applications and indulge in interactive discussions and technical sessions at the event. The fruitful conference program includes plenary lectures, Keynote lectures and invited talks by eminent personalities from around the world in addition to contributed papers both oral and poster presentations.

Its mission is to foster communication among researchers and practitioners working in a wide variety of scientific areas with a common interest in Nano-bio and Advanced Materials Engineering.

We sincerely invite you to join NAME-2023, and welcome your submitting.

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