1. International Advances in Molecular Biology Congress-AMB 22
19 Eylül - 22 Eylül 2022
The “I. International Advances in Molecular Biology Congress” will be conducted during September 19-22, 2022 as an online event at Marmara University, Türkiye. The conference will emphasize the theme “Advance topics in Molecular Biology”. International Advances in Molecular Biology Congress is now opening a call for sessions, aiming to develop a program that brings together the very best of innovation and progress happening across the full spectrum of cancer, stem cell, neuroscience, biotechnology, plant, transgenic animals, aptamers, drug design at national, regional and global levels. This is a unique opportunity for molecular biology experts to share their knowledge and experience with global cancer/human disease/ biotechnology community, gain visibility and contribute to advancing cancer control and human disease therapy. A special invitation is extended to international colleagues to attend and contribute to the conference.
2022 Fen Bilimleri Kongreleri Kategorisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
- 3. International Enzyme and Bioprocess Days-EBDays 2022
09 Eylül - 11 Eylül 2022, Tokat - 12. Uluslararası Kozmetik Kimyası Üretimi ve Standardizasyonu Kongresi
18 Şubat - 20 Şubat 2022, Antalya - International Conference on Quantum Materials and Technologies-ICQMT 2022
16 Ekim - 22 Ekim 2022, Muğla - 8. Polimer Bilim ve Teknoloji Kongresi
20 Haziran - 23 Haziran 2022, Malatya - 6. Uluslararası Biyosidal Kongresi
17 Kasım - 20 Kasım 2022, Antalya

Aylık Dağılım
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